Comprehensive Energy Planning: A Step-by-Step Approach

The project sequence is shown in schematic form in. Work Package 1 is first about a detailed analysis of the questions that consumers, companies and authorities are asking about the future energy supply and to categorise and describe the data brought into the project by the partners. As part of this analysis, it will also be determined how the answers must formally look so that the groups can use them sensibly in their decision-making. Based on this, the second step is to identify the necessary methods and tools of the partners that can provide answers to these questions. This is then the first step in Work Package 6, where the requirements for the data basis are defined. The result is a list of tools that can provide the required answers, the data needed to do so, which is compared to the data available at the start of the project for prioritisation. This work then leads on to the work packages Work Package 2, Work Package 3 and Work Package 4.

Figure: Project structure and key issues addressed in the individual APs

In Work Package 2, existing ontologies for essential data sets are to be identified and extended or developed. Ontologies are not to be seen as an end in themselves, but form the basis for significantly improved data use. The tasks here are the reusability, the integration capability and the use of the data for different applications. In the project, we will focus on the use of data for various tools in building planning and power grid planning.

In Work Package 3, all “classic” data sources are compiled and processed. Commercial data should also be taken into account, as well as data that is stored in closed databases. For the first case, transparent and simple payment options are to be determined; in the second case, possibilities are to be created for running algorithms on the data in the closed areas in case of doubt, which then provide aggregated results that may then be exported.

In Work Package 4, algorithms are developed or further developed that replace or supplement missing or imperfect data sets with synthetic data. There are various approaches for determining the synthetic data. Classical approaches include the replication of original planning processes or the disaggregation of aggregated data. This work will be done in close coordination with Work Package 6, as planning and the creation of synthetic systems can certainly be thought of together and the results fed back into the platform.

In Work Package 5, the micro-service architecture and the necessary components for integrating the results from Work Package 2, Work Package 3 and Work Package 4 are developed. In addition, the basic functionalities for retrieval, access and processing and switching between data sources and sinks are implemented, which are used in Work Package 6. In addition to the interfaces for query processing, the topics of data protection and data sovereignty in the sense of verifiable linkage and continuous verification of the data as well as their use will also be addressed.

The work in Work Package 6 is done in close coordination with Work Package 1. The ability of the NEED platform to support the different tools of the partners is demonstrated, here the focus is especially on the cascade effect. One example is the creation of an energy use plan for a municipality. In this process, the energy supplier plans a new heating network, the current network operation is enriched with current forecast data and the energy consultants can build on the results in the individual consultation for individual buildings and neighbourhoods, taking into account the electricity network infrastructures.

In Work Package 7, the handling of data and results as well as their use in publications will be defined. The project will be presented to the public (web presence, social media channels, etc.) and suitable events, conferences and trade fairs will be jointly identified and compiled by the project partners. The results of this project will also be made available in the form of scientific publications and presented to various groups in workshops in order to establish rapid applicability and acceptance.

The organisational and content-related coordination of the collaborative partners and the individual Work Packages also takes place in Work Package 7. Communication with the funding agency and the organisation of the project meetings also takes place in this work package.